PROJECTS N6 Audio Architecture: Dissonance Studio


dis·so·nance   [dis-uh-nuhns]

1. A simultaneous combination of tones conventionally accepted as being in a state of unrest and needing completion.


Presented by the Arts Centre Melbourne, the Audio Architecture 24hr Design Camp attracted a diverse group of architecture, art, design, and sound students for a rigorous design charette over July 28-29, 2012.

Written and directed by Sam Spurr and David Burns of the Sydney-based curatorial collective N, the camp was a spatial study of “dissonance”. Over an intensive 24 hours, students explored the creative and collaborative intersections of sound and architecture through workshops, discussions, performances, and design experiments. The provocation was to create a space in tension, oscillating between harmony and discord, an analysis centering on states of instability and their inherent dynamism.

Hamer Hall architect Ian McDougall, acoustic engineer Peter Exton, New York architect Joel Sanders, the sound collectives of Super Critical Mass, Urban Ecologies, and Snawklor, all took the students through their own creative procedures in audio architecture during the course of the day.

Students broke into teams focusing on Sound, Performance, Image, Space, and Time. They collectively debated the violence of sound, the desire to be subsumed, and the art of silence, building a manifesto on sound and space that would propel them through the night. Embracing the risk of performance and its inherent indeterminacy, the following morning they enacted a series of interventions in Hamer Hall. As physical invitations to participate, these engaged the public in the intimate discussions of the previous 24 hours.

Using cinematic, performative, and architectural techniques, an exhibition was created that translated and transposed those fleeting events from Hamer Hall to Pin-up Gallery.

Audio Architecture was curated by Office for Good Design.


Projects in situ
Exhibition at Pin-up - August 6, 2012